What is this site?

It’s long been at the back of my mind, and it’s finally here: Jay’s Games Collection is a database that lets me keep track of the plethora of games I own.

I often pickup a title when it’s on sale, or when it’s free, thinking, “hey that’ll be great to play someday”. Someday then turns into an undetermined period of time, at which point I ask myself, “what was that game I bought… a few… months ago?”

This site will help me keep track of

  • what I actually own
  • what platform or marketplace it’s on
  • what I’ve played and/or streamed
  • which titles I have yet to test out and discover
  • and whether I enjoyed the experience or not

Where possibly I’ve added a Steam Link and release year to the entries. If I have streamed a game, I’ll add a link to the video or perhaps some notes on what was good about the title in the description. Much of my library might not actually be enjoyable to play. Other items might turn out to be hidden gems. It’s a work in progress, but an important step to being a ray of light into my ever so cluttered life.

The site is built on the Generate Theme (see links in the footer).

Humble Choice 2023

Games I’ve collected as part of my Humble subscription, many of which I’ve either not yet claimed, or have already bought so I have a spare copy here. This will help when searching my database and show if a game is at least available to redeem.

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